awry - away from the appropriate, planned, or expected course, bludgeon - overcome or coerce as if by using a heavy club, capitulate - surrender under agreed conditions, Chafe - disturb, especially by minor irritations, defile - Make dirty, slander someone's reputation,place under suspicion or cast doubt upon , dire - fraught with extreme danger; nearly hopeless, disarming - cause suspicion or hostility, especially through charm. or act of reducing or depriving of weapons, disgruntled - in a state of sulky dissatisfaction, encroach - advance beyond the usual limit, endow - give qualities or abilities to, fend - withstand the force of something, impunity - exemption from punishment or loss (I can do whatever I want and never get punished), mien - a person's appearance, manner, or demeanor, penal - of or relating to punishment, pertinent - having precise or logical relevance to the matter at hand, predominant - most frequent or common (Most people are _____right handed), prodigy - an unusually gifted or intelligent person, recluse - withdrawn from society; seeking solitude, renown - the state or quality of being widely honored and acclaimed, apt - appropriate or suitable in the circumstances,



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