1) … two bathrooms in the house a) There's b) There are 2) … a chair in the kitchen a) There's b) There is c) There are 3) … two windows in the living room a) There is b) There are 4) … three pictures in the hall a) There's b) There are 5) Today … Monday a) is b) There's 6) My birthday ...in May a) is b) There's 7) … a table in the dining room a) There's b) There are c) is 8) … stairs a) There's b) There are c) are 9) … two bookcases in the living room a) There's b) There are c) are 10) … an attic a) There's b) There are 11) … four bedrooms in my house a) There's b) are c) There are 12) My parents … at work a) There is b) There are c) are 13) … lots of posters on the wall a) There's b) There are c) are 14) … lots of trees in my street a) There's b) There are c) are 15) … a coat stand in the hall a) There is b) There are 16) …. TV in the bedroom a) There isn't a b) There aren't any 17) … shops near my house a) There aren't any b) There isn't a 18) … any chairs in the living room a) There are b) There aren't

Steps plus There is there are


દૃશ્યમાન શૈલી


ટેમ્પલેટ બદલો

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