1) A rabbit ... a short tail a) have got b) has got c) hasn't got 2) A bird ... feathers a) have got b) has got c) hasn't got 3) Cats  ... thick fur. a) have got b) has got c) haven't got 4) We ... English today a) have got b) has got c) haven't got 5) A snake ... legs a) has got b) haven't got c) hasn't got 6) A hippo ... long tail. a) has got b) haven't got c) hasn't got 7) Giraffes ... stripes a) have got b) hasn't got c) haven't got 8) A dog ... fur a) has got b) hasn't got c) have got 9) A hamster ... wings a) has got b) hasn't got c) haven't got 10) Penguins ... four legs a) have got b) hasn't got c) haven't got 11) ... your parents got a car ? a) Have b) Has 12) ... you got any brothers or sisters ? a) Have b) Has 13) A hippo .............. a thin body. a) has got b) hasn't got c) haven't got 14) ... your dog got short paws? a) Have b) Has 15) ... you got any pets ? a) Have b) Has



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