1) What are three things about me that attracted you to me when we first met? 2) When did you know you loved me? 3) What is something you’ve always wanted to ask me but haven’t? 4) What is your biggest regret? 5) What do you like about our physical relationship? How could we improve? 6) What do you believe is missing from your life? 7) What are your goals for our relationship? 8) How would you like to change in the next year? 9) Where in your life do you feel most unfulfilled? 10) Where would you like us to travel to and why? 11) What were some of the highlights of your childhood? 12) What is your favorite memory of us? 13) What has been your happiest moment this year so far? 14) Which relative are you closest to and why? 15) Who is the most difficult person in your life to get along with and why? 16) What do you think is the best part about our relationship? 17) What would you change about the way we met? 18) What is your philosophy for living a happy life? 19) What are you doing currently that your future self would thank you for? 20) How do you need support from me when you’re sad or frustrated? 21) What is the first physical trait you noticed about me when we met? 22) Is there anything you’re afraid to accomplish that I can help you with? 23) What would your younger self think of our relationship? 24) What is the best way I can make you feel loved? 25) Do you have any fantasies you would like fulfilled? 26) What is a fear about our relationship we’ve never talked about? 27) What do you feel is your biggest weakness? How can I support you with that? 28) Do you think it’s true that love is more than just a feeling? 29) Which do you prefer, kissing or hugging? Why? 30) Would you rather have only morning sex or only sex at night for the rest of your life? 31) What have you learned from past relationships that have helped you in our current relationship? 32) What’s one thing your friends have taught you about relationships? 33) What hobbies or activities do you wish you had more time for together? 34) What's the hardest truth about love you've had to accept? 35) What do you think has been the most meaningful conversation in our relationship? 36) Who do you want to say sorry to or thank the most? 37) What about me surprised you? 38) What's the most pain you've ever been in that wasn't physical? 39) Why do you think we met?  40) What do you admire most about me? 41) What's the hardest part about dating you? 42) What do you think our most important similarities are? 43) How would you describe me to a stranger? 44) What's the most attractive quality about me that isn't physical? 45) What's your favorite compliment to receive? 46) Which one of your physical traits do you find most attractive? 47) What is your biggest physical insecurity? 48) What do you think I can do to improve myself? 49) How has your type in crushes changed over time? 50) What assumption did you make about me that turned out to be false?



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