Can I leave a message? 100, Can you hold on a moment, please? 100, The line is engaged. 75, Can I speak to John? 75, Is Amy there? 60, USe social networks 25, Can you spell it, please? 100, write letters 25, I'll call back later. 75, Don't hang up the phone ,please. 100, Communication 25, Hang up 30, Dial a number 25, Can you please repeat that? 100, pick up the phone 25, Face-to-face 10, Let me try to connect you. 150, Hold on 30, Make a phone call 25, I'm sorry. he isn't available at the moment. 150, Bad line 15, Connect 20, Would you like to leave a message? 100, Keep in touch 25, put through 25.

8th grade on the phone



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