1) Monochromatic uses one color in a design. Its advantage is to create balance and to match the color in an artwork. However, this may lack energy and may look monotonous. How will you use the monochromatic scheme to create variations? a) Change the hue of the artwork or every element b) Choose a design that is more suitable for the color scheme used c) Adjust the saturation and value d) Use complementary colors 2) What is the purpose of creating a hierarchy in your design? a) It adds visual weight. b) Make the detail to stand out. c) To add beauty to the design d) It gives consistency. 3) Which of the following refers to the plan of creating an idea through a combination of texts, images, and other elements that are placed together artistically? a) Layout b) Graphic c) Message d) Design 4) Which principle of design is when a designer arranges the elements or text according to its context? a) Hierarchy b) Emphasis c) Harmony d) Balance 5) Which type of balance gives a mirror-like design that is proportionally equal to the other side? a) Semi-Balance b) Symmetrical c) Asymmetrical d) Semi-Proportion 6) Which of the principles of graphics and layout refers to the proper arrangement of elements, which gives a visual weight for the design? a) Pattern, Repetition and Rhythm b) Unity and Harmony c) Balance d) Emphasis 7) As a layout artist, we must know the details in arranging and accentuating the most important terms by changing its size, thickness, and spaces so the reader can navigate the highlight of the event easily. Which of the following principles best describe the statement above? a) Pattern, Repetition and Rhythm b) Alignment c) Hierarchy d) Contrast 8) The following are the ways where you can emphasize the text if you are working on a magazine except: a) By adding illustrations or images b) By changing the font color c) By making the text bold or italic d) By changing the font size, either bigger or smaller 9) What other elements of design can be repeated aside from color, header style, and fonts? a) Paper b) Statement c) Size d) Word 10) Which font color is best to use if the background on your valentine card is  red? a) Violet b) White c) Green d) Blue

Grade 11 - Sanoy


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