1. The designer wanted to ____ the latest technology in creating the new website. 2. She decided to ____ the classic chair design by adding a modern twist to it. 3. The team brainstormed different ways to ____ the issue of user experience in the app design. 4. As she gained more experience, her design style ____ and became more refined. 5. A new trend in sustainable fashion has ____ in recent years. 6. The traditional method of hand-drawn animation is now considered ____ in the digital age. 7. They discussed the ____ of incorporating eco-friendly materials into their product design. 8. The company is known for its ____ in creating user-friendly interfaces. 9. The artist focused not just on functionality but also on ____ when designing the new building, as he believed that it's also important what the building will look like. 10. Before proceeding with the project, they carefully evaluated the ____ of the new design and thought how easily it could be done. 11. While the idea seemed interesting, they had to consider the ____ of implementing it in reality.



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