The trains always run ____ in my country. They are never late. ____ when you are having fun. My team scored ____. The game was in the last few seconds. If I could ____, I wouldn't have done what I did. We will ____ if we drive instead of taking the bus. In ____ I like learning English. It's a ____ calling that company. They never answer the telephones. You are working too much. You need to take some ____. ____ Tom was late for school. His teacher told him if he was late again he would be in big trouble. We've got 4 hours until our flight leaves. What are we going to do until then? How are we going to ____? I can't wait here all day. ____, you know? Please stop writing. You are ____. The exam has finished. I was sad for a long time after I broke up with my boyfriend, but ____. I'm fine now. I had a ____ at your party. Please invite me to your next one. I had the ____ when I went on my vacation. You managed to ____ and finish the game! Since I retired I've got ____. ____ the weather will have improved.

Time expressions C1



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