1) This is the place which you should go to if you want to send letters. a) A Museum b) A Kangaroo c) A Cinema d) Post Office e) Presents f) Postcards 2) This animal's baby lives in a pocket on its mother's stomach when it is small a) A camel b) A hippo c) Newspaper d) A lion e) A kangaroo f) A dolphin 3) People buy these to write and tell their friends about their holiday. They often have nice pictures on them. a) Postcards b) Stamps c) Presents d) Newspaper e) A post office f) A cinema 4) This animal usually lives in hot, dry places and it can walk for months without any water a) A dolphin b) A kangaroo c) A hippo d) A camel e) A lion f) A post office 5) You should go to this place if you want to see a film a) A library b) A bookshop c) A cinema d) A museum e) A post office f) An address 6) If you write this on the envelope, your letter goes to the right place a) An address b) Stamps c) A bookshop d) Newspaper e) A hippo f) Presents 7) If you want a book, but you don't want to buy one, you can get one from this place. a) A museum b) A bookshop c) A post office d) A library e) A cinema f) Newspaper 8) This animal is one of the cleverest animals in the world and it lives in the sea a) A kangaroo b) A lion c) A dolphin d) A camel e) A hippo f) A post office 9) Journalist write for these, photographers take pictures for them, and people read them every day. a) Stamps b) Postcards c) Presents d) Newspaper e) A post office f) An address 10) You should go to this place if you like history and you want to look at old things a) A museum b) A cinema c) A library d) A bookshop e) A post office f) Newspaper

FLYERS Reading and Writing Test 1 part 1


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