to describe accurately - Delineate, the witch in wizard of oz is very ______ - Nefarious, everyday speech; slang - Vernacular, gym guy who gets very ____ - Brawn, to publicly brag - Tout, intensify; improve - Enhance, something that delays action - Hinder, to erase; to rub out - Efface, someone who consumes too much food or drinks - Glutton, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Aruba - Hiatus, to confirm; to back up with evidence - Corroborate, valentines day - Amorous, fashion designers - Decorous, to speed up the progress of - Expedite, the calming beach is very ____ - Idyllic, objects next to each other - Juxtapose, light bulb, candle - Incandescent , siblings like to ____ me - Exasperate, lacking harmony of agreement - Discordant, highly unstable; explosive - Volatile, charmingly rural - Bucolic, making ridiculous claims - Pretentious, on Halloween people can be very _____ - Gullible, fond of partying; festive - Convivial, sneaky; unnoticeable - Discreet, i sometimes ____ to get out of trouble - Fabricate, to make gestures, especially when speaking - Gesticulate, to praise, applaud - laud, some teachers like to ____ there assignments - Belabor, the building turned into a big _____ - Conflagration,



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