Poached eggs  - To cook something gently in nearly boiling water after removing its shell, Fry-up  - A meal of fried food, such as bacon and eggs, Black pudding  - A type of large dark sausage made from pig’s blood, fat and grain, Marmite - In the UK a dark substance with a strong taste made from yeast and spread on bread, etc., Elevenses - A very small meal, for example biscuits with tea or coffee, that people sometimes have at about eleven o’clock in the morning, Butty - (British English, informal) a sandwich, Ploughman’s lunch - A cold meal of bread, cheese, pickle and salad, often served in pubs, Yorkshire pudding - A type of British food made from batter that is baked until it rises, traditionally eaten with roast beef, Crumpet - A small flat round cake with small holes in the top, eaten hot with butter, Scone - A small round cake, sometimes with dried fruit in it and often eaten with butter, jam and cream spread on it, Meat and two veg - A dish of meat with potatoes and another vegetable, considered as typical, traditional British food, High tea - A meal consisting of cooked food, bread and butter and cakes, usually with tea to drink, eaten in the late afternoon or early evening instead of dinner,

British food and drink


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