1) pronouns - grammatical categories a) case b) person c) gender d) number e) aspect f) articles 2) genitive pronoun case a) somebody b) somebody's 3) subjective pronoun case a) I b) who c) she d) me e) our f) his 4) subjective pronoun case a) they b) he c) we d) whose e) them f) us 5) objective pronoun case a) me b) him c) them d) she e) they f) my 6) objective pronoun case a) us b) her c) who(m) d) our e) they f) I 7) genitive pronoun case a) my b) his c) their d) she e) who f) us 8) genitive pronoun case a) our b) her c) whose d) me e) them f) we 9) which pronouns have distinctions of "person" a) personal b) possesive c) reflexive d) interrogative e) relative f) reciprocal 10) person - refers to the speaker (I) or to the speaker and one or more others (we) a) 1st b) 2nd c) 3rd 11) person - refers to the person(s) addressed (you) a) 1st b) 2nd c) 3rd 12) person - refers to one or more other persons or things (he, she, it, they) a) 1st b) 2nd c) 3rd 13) 1st person pronouns a) I b) we c) you d) he e) she f) it 14) 2nd person pronouns a) you b) I c) we d) he e) she f) it 15) 3rd person pronouns a) he b) she c) they d) it e) you f) I 16) in 3rd person singular, the ________________, _______________ and _______________ pronouns distinguish in gender between masculine, feminine and non-personal gender a) personal b) reflexive c) possesive d) interrogative e) reciprocal f) universal 17) 2nd person uses a common form for singular and plural in the personal and possessive series but has a separate plural in the _______________ a) reflexive b) reciprocal c) interrogative d) universal 18) 2nd person uses a common form for singular and plural in the _____________ and _____________ series but has a separate plural in the reflexive a) personal b) possesive c) reflexive d) interrogative e) universal f) demostrative 19) personal pronouns = a) function as replacements for noun phrases in neighbouring clauses b) reflect back to the subject of the sentence c) shows ownership or possession d) used to ask questions 20) anaphoric reference a) a pronoun refers back to a previously mentioned noun b) "When John arrived, he went to the bank." c) a pronoun refers forward to a noun that is not yet mentioned d) "When he arrived, John went to the bank." 21) cataphoric reference a) a pronoun refers forward to a noun that is not yet mentioned b) "When he arrived, John went to the bank." c) a pronoun refers back to a previously mentioned noun d) "When John arrived, he went to the bank." 22) personal pronouns a) he b) me c) them d) who e) what f) one another 23) function as replacements for noun phrases in neighbouring clauses - type of pronoun? a) personal b) reflexive c) reciprocal d) interrogative e) universal f) possessive 24) reflexive pronouns = a) reflect back to the subject of the sentence b) function as replacements for noun phrases in neighbouring clauses c) used to ask questions d) point to something 25) reflexive pronouns a) himself b) yourselves c) oneself d) he e) each f) whom 26) When a mixture of persons is involved, the reflexive pronoun conforms to a 1st person or, if there is no 1st person, to a 2nd person a) true b) false 27) when a mixture of persons is involved, which person does typically reflexive pronoun conform to? a) 1st b) 2nd, if no 1st c) 3rd, if no 2ns d) 2nd e) 1st, if no 2nd f) 3rd 28) is "oneself" a reflexive pronoun? a) yes b) no 29) reciprocal pronoun a) a pronoun that both performs and receives b) function as replacements for noun phrases in neighbouring clauses c) used to ask qeastions d) show ownership 30) reciprocal pronoun - 2 people a) eahc other b) one another 31) reciprocal pronoun - more than 2 people a) one another b) each other 32) can reciprocal pronouns be used in the genitive? a) yes b) no 33) possessive pronouns a) show ownership or possession b) used to ask questions c) point at something d) universal 34) two series of possessive pronouns a) the attributives (my, your...) b) the nominals (mine, yours...) c) the attributives (mine, yours...) d) the nominals (my, your...) 35) relative pronoun = a) introduces a relative clause -> connects dependent and independent clauses b) point at something c) ask questions d) a pronoun that both performs and receives 36) genereal purpose relative pronoun a) that b) what c) who d) which e) whose f) whom 37) personal relative pronouns a) who b) whom c) whose d) which 38) non-personal relative pronouns a) which b) whose c) who d) whom 39) "whose" is both personal and non-personal relative pronoun a) true b) false 40) relative pronouns: the wh- series reflects the _________ of the antecedent a) gender b) number c) animacy d) person 41) zero relative pronoun is used identically to _________ (except where the relative pronoun is subject in its clause) a) that b) who c) which d) whose e) what 42) relative zero pronoun and "that" cannot be used in ____________________ a) non-defining relative clauses b) defining relative clauses 43) relative zero pronoun and "that" cannot be used in non-defining relative clauses a) true b) false 44) Jack, who's retired now, spends a lot of time with his gradnchildren. a) correct b) incorrect 45) Jack, that's retired now, spends a lot of time with his gradnchildren. a) correct b) incorrect 46) interrogative pronouns = a) used to ask questions b) introduces a relative clause -> connects dependent and independent clauses c) used to point d) show ownership or possession e) pronoun that both performs and receives the action f) reflect back to the subject 47) interrogative pronouns are identical in form and in case relations with the _____________ pronouns a) relative b) reflexive c) reciprocal d) possesive e) personal f) universal 48) personal interrogative determiners a) whose b) which c) what 49) personal or non-personal interrogative determiners a) whose b) which c) what 50) personal interrogative pronouns a) who b) whom c) whose d) what e) which 51) non-personal interrogative pronouns a) what b) who c) whom d) whose e) which 52) non-personal or personal interrogative pronouns a) which b) what c) who d) whom e) whose 53) "what" (interrogative) has __________________ reference a) indefinite b) definite 54) "which" (interrogative) has __________________ reference a) indefinite b) definite 55) demonstrative pronouns = a) point to something b) ask questions c) refer back to the subject d) universal e) introduce a relative clause f) show ownership 56) Demonstrative pronouns have number contrast a) true b) false 57) demonstrative pronouns do not contrast in number a) false b) true 58) demonstrative pronouns can function both as determiners and pronouns a) true b) false 59) demonstrative pronouns - near reference a) this b) these c) that d) those 60) demonstrative pronouns - distant reference a) that b) those c) this d) these 61) as a subject, demonstrative pronouns may have either personal or non-personal reference a) true b) false 62) universal pronouns = a) each, all, every, every-compounds b) any, some, no, nothing, anything, something c) used to point d) all pronouns e) show possession f) introduce universal clause 63) every - compounds (universal) reference to a number of  a) 3 or more b) 2 or more 64) "each" (universal) references to a number of a) 2 or more b) 3 or more 65) every - compounds (universal) have _______________ reference a) collective b) individual 66) "each" (universal) have _______________ reference a) individual b) collective 67) There were two boys who called and I gave an apple to _____________. a) each b) everybody 68) There were seven boys who called and I gave an apple to _____________. a) each b) everybody 69) I walked into the room and gave an apple to ________________. a) each b) everybody 70) universal pronouns that have of-construction a) every one b) each c) each one d) everybody e) somebody f) nobody 71) partitive pronouns = a) some, any, no b) each, all, every, every-compounds c) point to something d) ask questions e) introduce relative clause f) reflect back to the subject 72) assertive parititve pronouns a) some b) someone c) something d) any e) anyone f) anything 73) non-assertive parititve pronouns a) any b) anyone c) anything d) some e) someone f) something 74) assertive partitive pronouns are used with a) positive sentences b) with the verb in the sg. c) negative sentences d) interrogative sentences e) with the verb in the pl. 75) non-assertive partitive pronouns are used with a) negative sentences b) interrogative sentences c) positive sentences 76) 1) "Do you want some tea?" or 2) "Do you want any tea?" a) 1) because it is more polite b) 2) because it is more polite 77) assertive partitive pronouns can be used in non-assertive territory when it comes to offering or suggesting something a) true b) false 78) assertive partitive pronouns are _________ polite to use when offering/suggesting than non-assertive a) more b) less 79) "Did somebody telephone last night?" a) the speaker expected a telephone call b) the speaker did not expect a telephone call 80) "Did anybody telephone last night?" a) the speaker did not expect a telephone call b) the speaker expected a telephone call 81) He wrote several novels, only one of ____________ had any merit. a) which b) who c) whom d) what e) that f) 0 82) Elio loved the man __________ name I have forgotten. a) whose b) which c) that d) who e) whom f) 0 83) Elio read the book, the title of _________ I have forgotten a) which b) whose c) who d) whom e) that f) 0 84) The theatre _________ he usually went to was the Royal a) which b) that c) 0 d) who e) whom f) whose 85) Elio knew the woman __________ you were writing your essay about. a) who b) whose c) that d) 0 e) which f) whom 86) My father, ______ is an engineer, likes toy trains a) who b) that c) 0 87) who = a) subject pronoun b) refers to the subject of the sentence c) object pronoun d) refers to the object of the sentence 88) whom a) object pronoun b) refers to the object of the sentence c) refers to the subject of the sentence d) subject pronoun 89) Elio read the book __________ you ordered last month. a) that b) which c) 0 d) who e) whom f) whose 90) Elio saw the book ___________ was lying on the window sill. a) which b) that c) 0 d) who e) whom f) whose 91) Elio read the book ________ title I have forgotten. a) whose b) which c) who d) whom e) 0 f) that 92) Elio knew the woman about _________ you were writing your essay. a) who b) whom c) whose d) that e) 0 f) which 93) "whose" as an interrogative determiner must be followed by _____________ a) noun / NP b) verb / VP c) preposition / PP 94) "whose" as a relative pronoun a) This is the man whose book you are holding b) Whose is this? c) Whose book is this? d) Whose shoes are these? 95) "whose" as an interrogative determiner a) Whose shoes are these? b) Whose is this? c) I know a car whose wheels don't work. d) This is the man whose book you are holding. 96) "whose" as an interrogative pronoun a) Whose are these? b) Whose shoes are these? c) Whose book is this? d) This is the man whose book you are holding. 97) When does "whose" does NOT need to be followed by a noun? a) interrogative pronoun b) possessive relative determiner c) relative pronoun d) interrogative determiner 98) "whose" as a relative pronoun always marks a ______________ clause a) adjective b) adverb c) noun d) independent 




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