1) Which of these is true of the endocrine system? a) Secretes hormones that are transported to target cells by blood b) Causes changes in metabolic activities c) Effects are prolonged d) All of above are true 2) Name the gland that is located at the base of the throat, just inferior to the laryngeal prominence (Adam's apple). a) Pituitary b) Pineal gland c) Hypothalamus d) Thyroid 3) What gland is located just superior to the kidneys? a) Pituitary b) Adrenal c) Pancreas d) Ovaries 4) The endocrine gland responsible for the body's circadian rhythm is the a) Thymus gland b) Pineal gland c) Parathyroid gland d) Pituitary gland 5) Endocrine glands differ from exocrine glands in that: a) Endocrine glands are ductless and exocrine glands release secretions at the body's surface or into ducts. b) Endocrine glands release hormones, whereas exocrine glands release waste. c) Endocrine glands are formed by epithelial tissue, but exocrine glands are primarily connective tissue. d) Endocrine glands are all interconnected; whereas exocrine glands act completely independently. 6) The primary target of the releasing and inhibiting hormones of the hypothalamus is the: a) Liver and adipose tissue b) Gonads c) Anterior pituitary d) Bone marrow 7) Which of these is not an endocrine gland? a) Pancreas b) Testes c) Salivary gland d) Parathyroid 8) Which is not a function of the hypothalamus? a) Affect heart rate b) Control temperature c) Affect water balance d) Secrete FSH 9) Which if the following gland which can be classified as an endocrine and an exocrine gland? a) Thyroid. b) Thymus. c) Pancreas. d) Pituitary. 10) Which gland controls basal metabolic rate (BMR)? a) Thyroid. b) Parathyroid c) Testes. d) Pancreas. 11) How do hormones from the thyroid and parathyroid regulate the calcium concentration of the blood? a) Calcitonin lowers blood calcium; parathyroid hormone raises blood calcium b) Parathyroid hormone lowers blood calcium; calcitonin raises blood calcium. c) Thyroxine and triiodothyronine together regulate calcium levels, as needs dictate d) Both parathroid hormone and the three thyroid hormones function to regulate blood calcium levels 12) Which of the following hormones are responsible for the "fight-or-flight" response? a) Epinephrine and norepinephrine b) Insulin and glucagon c) Estrogen and progesterone d) Thyroxin and melatonin 13) The pituitary hormone that stimulates the male testes to produce sperm and stimulates the development of the follicle in the female on a monthly cycle is: a) Growth hormone b) Luteinizing hormone c) Prolactin d) Follicle-stimulating hormone 14) Which hormones of the adrenal glands supplement the sex hormones from the gonads? a) Mineralocorticoids, such as aldosterone b) Glucocorticoids, such as cortisol c) Gnadocorticoids, such as the androgens d) Epinephrine and norepinephrine 15) The clusters of cells in the pancreas that produce hormones are the: a) Nodules b) Islets of Langerhans c) Pancreatic medulla d) Pancreatic cortex 16) The Glucagon is: a) Accelerates the conversion of glycogen into glucose. b) Slows down glucose formation from lactic acid. c) Decreases the conversion of glycogen into glucose d) Speeds up protein synthesis within cells. 17) Most hormones of the endocrine system are regulated by a: a) Negative feedback mechanism. b) Positive feedback mechanism c) Hormone-receptor complex. d) Hormone-gene complex 18) Calcium level in the blood is regulated by the: a) Thyroid. b) Parathyroid. c) Posterior pituitary d) Adrenal medulla e) A and B. 19) All of the following are hormones of the anterior pituitary except: a) Human growth hormone (GH) b) Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH). c) Parathyroid hormone(PTH). d) Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH). 20) The secretions from which of these glands differs between males and females? a) Adrenal b) Parathyroid c) Gonadal d) Pancreas 21) A specific releasing hormone from the hypothalamus stimulates the anterior pituitary gland to produce a specific hormone a) TRUE b) FALSE 22) Endocrine glands secrete hormones into the blood a) TRUE b) FALSE 23) Hormonal control is fast and long-lasting a) TRUE b) FALSE 24) Hormones affect a specific target gland or tissue or organ a) TRUE b) FALSE 25) The pituitary gland is the master endocrine gland a) TRUE b) FALSE 26) The hypothalamus controls secretions from the pituitary gland. Both the anterior & posterior pituitary gland produce hormones a) TRUE b) FALSE 27) The hypothalamus produces a series of releasing and inhibiting hormones a) TRUE b) FALSE 28) Releasing & inhibiting hormones travel from the hypothalamus to the anterior pituitary gland in the systemic circulation a) TRUE b) FALSE 29) Hormones from the anterior pituitary gland travel to their targets in the systemic circulation a) TRUE b) FALSE 30) The release of hormones from these target glands or tissues is controlled by positive feedback a) TRUE b) FALSE 31) Base your answer on the diagram which represents endocrine glands of both sexes and on your knowledge of biology. A malfunction in the hormonal secretions from structure E may require a person to a) Eliminate all carbohydrates from the diet b) Increase the amount of iodine in the diet c) Receive daily injections of insulin d) Undergo surgery to remove the organ 32) The most immediate response to a high level of blood sugar in a human is an increase in the a) Muscle activity in the arms b) Blood flow to the digestive tract c) Activity of all cell organelles d) Release of insulin 33) Increased perspiration, a higher body temperature, and a rapidly beating heart are all possible responses to a stressful situation. These body responses are most likely a direct result of the interaction of the a) Digestive and endocrine systems b) Digestive and respiratory systems c) Nervous and hormonal systems d) Nervous and reproductive systems 34) Which statement describes a feedback mechanism involving the human pancreas? a) The production of estrogen stimulates the formation of gametes for sexual reproduction b) The level of oxygen in the blood is related to heart rate c) The level of sugar in the blood is affected by the amount of insulin in the blood. d) The production of urine allows for excretion of cell waste 35) The pancreas produces one hormone that lowers blood sugar level and another that increases blood sugar level. The interaction of these two hormones most directly helps humans to a) Maintain a balanced internal environment b) Digest needed substances for other body organs c) Dispose of wastes formed in other body organs d) Increase the rate of cellular communication 36) Which gland does not form part of the endocrine system? a) Thyroid b) Pituitary c) Pancreas d) Brain 37) Which of the following is an endocrine and exocrine gland? a) Pancreas b) Pituitary c) Pineal d) Parathyroid 38) The hormones most commonly associated with acute stress response are called a) Autocrine b) Paracrine c) Steroids d) Catecholamines 39) Steroid hormones are secreted by which gland? a) Thyroid b) Parathyroid c) Adrenal cortex d) Pancreas 40) The production of which hormone is reduced to retain water when the body is dehydrated? a) Antidiuretic hormones b) Thyroxine c) Insulin d) Oxytocin




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