1) A flashlight uses chemical energy stored in batteries and releases electrical energy in the form of a) Light energy b) Solar energy c) Sound energy d) Kinetic energy 2) An object produces sound because it – a) reflects light from the sun b) generates electrical energy c) absorbs heat from water d) causes air to vibrate. 3) What types of energy is used in an oven to bake a cake? a) Mechanical Energy b) Sound Energy c) Thermal Energy d) Light Energy 4) The boy is using a bow and arrow. What form of energy does a bow and arrow demonstrate? a) Electrical Energy b) Mechanical Energy c) Sound Energy d) Thermal Energy 5) All of the following objects are used to produce thermal or light energy EXCEPT a) lamps b) ovens c) candles d) bicycles 6) A person uses ____________ energy that converts into movement and heat energy. a) chemical energy b) solar enegry c) sound energy d) light energy 7) A television converts _________ energy to release sound and light energy. a) solar energy b) electrical energy c) sound energy d) thermal energy 8) All energy starts with the a) sun b) water c) rain d) plants 9) Plants can create their own source of food through the process of a) photosynthesis b) water cycle c) condensation d) germination 10) Energy is the ability to a) do work. b) transfer c) measure movement d) move 11) ______ can be classified as non-renewable energy sources. a) Fossil fuels b) Oxygen c) Wind d) Solar 12) The elements needed for combustion to take place. a) Fire, fuel, oxygen. b) Fuel, ice, oxygen. c) A fuel source, heat, and oxygen. 13) Springs can have______ potential energy when they are compressed. a) elastic b) light c) gravitational d) heat 14) The force of attraction that keeps us on the ground. a) sound b) gravity c) energy d) light 15) The wheel and axle work together as a system known as a) a simple machine. b) potential machine. c) motor d) engine 16) Wind, water and solar energy can be classified as a) non-renewable sources b) renewable sources c) output sources 17) Copper wires are good ______ of electricity. a) insulators b) conductors c) followers 18) This is an example of an _______ electrical circuit. a) open b) closed 19) How many bulbs are in this circuit? a) one b) two c) three 20) There are 2 types of axles: a) Non-movable axles and fixed axles b) Fixed axles and Turning axles c) Changing axles and moving axles

Energy & Change Grade 5


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