1) What do you think is the future of business trips? 2) How competitive is your industry? 3) What risks does your company come across? 4) What was the best piece of professional advice you’ve ever received? How did it help you? 5) Are people more stressed out than they were 30 years ago? Why or why not? 6) Is your career the career you thought you’d have when you were in high school? 7) Have you ever made an embarrassing mistake in English? What was it? 8) Have you ever worked for a company that offered unusual perks to its employees? 9) Is it okay for companies to not pay their interns? Why or why not? 10) Do you think friends make good business partners? Why or why not? 11) What is the most controversial law in your industry? 12) What is the best customer service experience you’ve had? The worst? 13) What is a good age to retire? When you retire, do you think you’ll have a part-time job? 14) Does business jargon bother you? Is jargon common in your industry? 15) Do you think it’s better to be lucky than good? Why or why not? 16) Tell about a time you solved a problem by coming up with a creative solution. 17) What unusual skill or skills have come in handy at your current job? 18) What recent technological advancements have made your job easier? 19) What’s the best decision you’ve ever made in your professional life? The worst? 20) Do you have any unusual ways of coping with stress? What are they?

Business Conversation Starters



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