1) is the science that studies the Earth and people’s relationships with the planet. a) geography b) geographers c) cartografy d) cartographers 2) are the people who study the Earth. a) geography b) cartographers c) geographers d) cartografy 3) the study and practice of making maps. a) geographers b) cartografy c) cartographers d) geography 4) people who create maps a) geographers b) cartografy c) cartographers d) geography 5) identifies the information presented on the map. a) scale b) legend c) Compass Rose d) title 6) explain its symbols a) scale b) Compass Rose c) legend d) title 7) indicate how small the map image is compared to the actual size size of the place. a) scale b) title c) legend d) Compass Rose 8) refers to the cardinal points (north, south, east and west). a) title b) Compass Rose c) legend d) scale 9) The Equator is the imaginary line that crosses the center of the Earth from north to south. a) True b) False 10) The Equator divides the Earth into the Northern and Southern hemispheres. a) True b) False 11) Parallels are lines drawn from north to south a) True b) False 12) The Greenwich Meridian is an imaginary line running from the North Pole to the South Pole. a) True b) False 13) Greenwich divides the Earth into the Western Hemisphere and Eastern Hemisphere. a) True b) False 14) Meridians are lines drawn from north to south. a) True b) False

Examen Leap September 17 Estudios Sociales



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