How did you feel about doing the project?, What were the most important things that you learned as a result of doing this project?, What was the most interesting thing that you learned from doing the project?, Did you improve your English language skills as a result of doing the project? Explain, Speak about your difficulties. What was the hardest part of the project?, Which parts of the project did you enjoy doing and which part(s) was the easiest?, How was it to work in a group and do a collaborative project? Would you like to repeat this experience in future work?, How did COVID 19 (corona situation) affect your ability to carry out the project?, If you could turn time back, is there anything that you would change about your project?, Do you think that this project experience has helped you to prepare yourselves for the adult world? Explain, Name TWO surprising facts that you learned. Explain, Do you think that your technological skills have improved as a result of doing this project? Explain, Looking back, how organised were you in order to carry out and complete this project on time?, Do you think that the time given to carry out the project was enough? Explain, Present your project .(Talk for about TWO minutes)., Why did you choose this topic. Explain, What are the pros and cons of doing the project individually and as a pair or team?, How did you find the information on the topic? What different resources did you use? What challenges did you face?, If you had the option to do, another project instead of other another project instead of other English studies, would you choose that? Explain., If you needed to do a project now, what topic would you choose and why?, Think of something else you would like to learn about the topic you researched. Explain..




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