1) Write down the three adjectives in this sentence: The brave girl with long hair ran quickly along the narrow alleyway. 2) Give three examples of fronted adverbials 3) List all the relative pronouns 4) Write down the modal verbs in this sentence: Next year, I will be in year 6 and I might have Mr Logan as my teacher. 5) Write down two modal verbs. 6) Select the correct homophones for the sentence: I (waited/weighted) nearly half an (our/hour) to (see/sea) the doctor. 7) Which of these words uses the correct prefix: a) unappeared b) disappeared c) deappeared 8) Which of these words uses the correct prefix: a) misinform  b) disinform c) deinform 9) Give an example of a determiner 10) Give 5 synonyms of the word 'good'. 11) Name 5 words that contain a silent letter (eg. comb, know) 12) List 3 time conjunctions 13) Identify the mistake in this sentence: It was very busy. We should of come earlier. 14) Identify the mistake in this sentence: I didn't know why I done it! 15) Where should the apostrophe go in this sentence? Miss Turners dog is very cute! 16) Where should the apostrophe go in this sentence? I wouldnt go in there if I were you! 17) Add the correct speech punctuation into this sentence. Where are you going asked Miss Turner 18) List 5 adverbs 19) SAID IS DEAD! List 5 synonyms of 'said'. 20) List 3 comparative conjunctions


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