1) Yesterday, I ... new sneakers. a) buy b) bought c) said d) spent 2) This morning, I ... 10 cookies and my sister ate 3. Now I have 7 cookies. a) flew b) buy c) gave d) had 3) Last night, we ... pizza. a) spent b) said c) ate d) sold 4) I was very hungry, and she ... me an apple. a) gave b) ate c) had d) saw 5) This morning, I ... swimming. a) went b) had c) flew d) saw 6) My sister and I ... coffee last Sunday. a) drank b) drink c) ate d) make 7) They ... many birds in a tree yesterday morning. a) went b) saw c) flew d) gave 8) She ... lemonade to buy a new doll. a) bought b) sold c) drank d) spent 9) The birds ... away. a) went b) saw c) flew d) gave 10) She ..., she didn't like my new dress. a) flew b) had c) gave d) said 11) He ... all his money on that car. a) bought b) gave c) spent d) saw

Discover2 - Unit 7, grammar



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