1) Lucy ___ her favourite cartoon at five o'clock every day. a) watches b) watch c) watchs 2) Harry ___ classical music. a) like b) likes c) likies 3) The swimming pool ___ at 6 o'clock. a) closes b) close c) closs 4) We ___ our grandparents on Sundays.  a) visits b) visities c) visit 5) Elephants ___ leaves and grass.  a) eats b) eat c) eates 6) My pen friend ___ in Japan.  a) lives b) live c) livies 7) I ___ my room every morning. a) tidys b) tidy c) tidies 8) Our lessons ___ at 8 o'clock. a) startes b) starts c) start 9) Mr Allan ___ Geography. a) teaches b) teachs c) teach 10) These birds ___ north in the spring. a) flies b) fly c) flys

Present Simple - affirmative


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