Wants - Luxury Car, Needs - Food, Transaction - An exchange of value between parties, Factory - The Selling Concepts, etiquette - Challenges in Marketing, CRM - Customer Relationship Management, interview - Data Research, Culture - Purchase Influences, complexity - Decide to buy, market - A group of customers who need or want a particular product and have the money to buy it, Psychographics - Classification of customers on the basis of their psychological makeup, interests, and lifestyles, Geographic - When differences in buying behavior are influenced by where people live, it makes sense to use _______________, Positioning - process of designing a company’s offerings, messages, and operating policies so that both the company and its products occupy distinct and desirable, Channels - network of firms and systems that move goods and services, Promotion - all the activities a firm undertakes to promote its products to target customers,

Marketing BTMU1013



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