broken - not working, not in its original shape, made into two or more pieces, butler - a man working in a large house and organizes the work of other servants and serves food and wine, cup - a small dish, we usually drink tea or coffee out of it, dead - not alive, empty - having nothing inside, not full, fingerprints - the marks made on something by touching it with your fingers, often used by the police to prove that somebody has done a crime, gun - a weapon that shoots bullets, handle - a part of something that you hold with your hand, a thing that you use to open or close something with your hand, chauffeur - a person whose job is to drive a car for somebody, check - to see if something is all right, killer - a person who has killed someone, library - a building or a room where you can read a book or borrow it, oil - a kind of greasy liquid that comes from a variety of plants, such as sunflower or olives, which is used for frying etc., outside - not inside, not in a building, in a place furthest from the centre, plate - a flat round dish that you eat from, shot - the act of shooting; the sound you hear when somebody shoots from a gun, sink - a large container in your kitchen, it has got water taps and is used for washing things in, e.g. the dishes, story - a description of people and events that happened or didn't happen, suspect - a person who is thought to have committed a crime, whodunnit - a kind of detective story which makes you wonder about who committed the crime, which you usually cannot guess until the end,

Murder in the library - Project 3 - Unit 3C - pairs


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