1) The Mona Lisa was painted by a famous ... a) detective b) artist c) thief 2) This is my ... Penny. She is 10 years old. a) daughter b) son c) visitor 3) I can't find my dog anywhere; I think it has ... a) solved b) missed c) disappeared 4) I am going to an art ... at the local museum tonight. a) painting b) exhibition c) address 5) This painting is ... ; it costs a lot of money. a) valuable b) suddenly c) blond 6) I didn't recognise Bill at the party because he was wearing a ... a) wig b) gloves c) a necklace 7) -Where are my keys? -... you left them at work. a) suddenly b) perhaps c) missing 8) I ... what presents I will get for Christmas. a) notice b) pick up c) wonder

Webkids 2 lessons 13-14



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