1) I couldn't sleep because........ a) I had cooked meatballs. b) I had drunk too much coffee. c) She had learnt French 2) I couldn't eat the steak because..... a) the chef hadn't cooked it well. b) I had forgotten to call him. c) I had seen great reviews. 3) I failed the English exam because.... a) I hadn't spoken to anyone. b) I was eating lunch. c) I hadn't studied enough. 4) My girl friend got angry at me because.... a) I hadn't bought her a birthday gift. b) He hadn't answered the phone. c) I had never been there. 5) I hadn't charged my phone so......... a) it didn't work. b) I lost it c) I stopped calling her. 6) I didn't wake up on time because... a) I had had a big breakfast b) I hadn't set the alarm clock. c) she had kept crying. 7) I had left my swimsuit at home so...... a) I hadn't bought it. b) I couldn't swim. c) I was watching a movie. 8) I couldn't find the restaurant because......... a) I had lost the directions. b) I had eaten way too much. c) I hadn't listened to the news. 9) I didn't recognize my friend because...... a) she lost all her money. b) she had studied all night. c) she had gained a lot of weight 10) I had to walk all the way from school back home because....... a) somebody had stolen my bike. b) they had never helped me. c) I hadn't brought my packpack.

the perfect past



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