outskirts - parts of a town or city which are furthest from the city or town centre, allotment - small piece of public land which a person can rent to grow vegetables or flowers, industrial estate - area of land developed as a site for factories and other industrial businesses, detached home - house that is not joined to another house on one side, suburbs - residential area on the outskirts of town, housing estate - large group of houses built together in a planned way, ghetto - poor, run-down urban neighbourhood, often where a disadvantaged racial or ethnic minority lives, heartland - central part of a country, council housing - low-cost housing built and owned by a local council, semi-detached house - home that shares its central wall with another home, slum - poor overcrowded area of a city with old or badly constructed buildings, terraced house - house that is part of a row of houses that are joined together and built in the same style, breeze block - lightweight grey building block, subsidised - which receives a subsidy, provincial - related to one or more of a country;s provinces, amenity - convenience, boarded-up - closed up with long pieces of wood known as boards, bustling - full of life and movement, raze - destroy, sprawling - spreading out over a large area in an untidy or irregular manner, hotbed - place where lots of violent, iilegal or otherwise undesirable activities take place, condemned - officially declared unacceptable and unfit for use, asylum seeker - person who is forced to leave a country for political reasons and then requests protection from the government of another country, deport - force somebody to leave a foreign country because they have no right to be there or because they have committed a crime, flee - escape, hostility - aggressive feelings, influx - large incoming glow of people or things, marginalise - make somebody feel unimportant, quota - fixed limit on something, uproot - leave or make somebody leave a place where he/she has lived for a long time,

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