afon - river, afonydd - rivers, menyw - woman, menywod - women, pont - bridge, pontydd - bridges, cwpwrdd - cupboard, cypyrddau - cupboards, cwrs - course, cyrsiau - courses, ffigwr - figure, ffigyrau - figures, ffôn symudol - mobile phone, ffonau symudol - mobile phones, gwerth - worth, parti - party, partïon - parties, pentref - village, pentrefi - villages, dangos - to show, rheoli - to manage, ail - second, arbennig - special, llawn - full, trydydd - third, dim byd - nothing, erioed - never, heb - without, neb - nobody, o gwbl - at all, rhwng - between, rhyw (rhai) - some,

Geirfa Uned 22 - Mynediad, Cymraeg i Oedolion (f.2, De)

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