marcar (puntos) - to score (1), anotar - to score (2), contar  - to count, patear - to kick, saltar - to jump (1), brincar - to jump (2), acertar - to manage to, golpear - to hit (1), luchar - to fight, pegar - to hit (2), tirar - to throw, pedalear - to pedal; to go faster, estirar el cuerpo - to stretch, hacer lagartijas/flexiones - to do pushups , hacer mucho esfuerzo - to give a lot of effort , levantar pesas - to lift weights, hacer abdominales - to do crunches, aguantar el dolor - to tolerate pain, tener ánimo - to have spirit/energy, tonificarse - to tone, hacer footing - jogging, ir de caminata - to go for a walk , aumentar los músculos - increase muscles , manifestar orgullo - to show pride, mantener buen espíritu/humor  - to stay in good spirits, guardar - to maintain, mejorar  - to improve, estimular - to encourage; to motivate,

Los verbos para los deportes

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