significant - meaningful, still - despite, slight - small in amount, bring up - mention, contemporary - of about the same age or date, belonging to the same time, cut down - reduction, decrease, decade - a period of ten years, differ - disagree / vary widely, unemployed - without a job, expense - cost or charge, extend - make last, stretch out, fetch - to go and bring back, give away - reveal / hand out / donate, interrupt - to cause a break, interfere with action of speech, keen - intense, sharp, enthusiastic, look forward to sth/doing sth - wait and hope for, especially with pleasure, make up sth or make sth up - create, make up your mind / make your mind up - decide, mend - repair, rebuild, occupy - fill / use / take over, preference - a practical advantage given to one over others, promote - to raise in rank, position, put up with - tolerate / bear / allow, reflect - give back, think about, rough - not exact, start off - set out on a journey, to make a first step, take into account - consider, take part - participate, take place - happen, occur, use up - finish, consume completely, wear out, exhaust,

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