CPD stands for Continuous ____ Development and describes the learning activities staff engage in to develop and enhance their abilities throughout their career. Typical types of CPD include: Training ____ on a new piece on machinery. Industry ____ involves staff being placed to work at another company or site. ____ study can sponsor employees with help towards course fees for qualifications, or by allowing time off for study leave. ____ events sometimes called ‘trade shows’ allow companies to showcase their work, products and services. Seminars r might take place at a trade show or exhibition where an expert in a particular topic is asked to talk about the subject and answer questions from the audience. Negatives of CPD include: Cost, ____ availability during development and the fact that training staff could lead to them finding ____ elsewhere. Benefits of CPD include: Staff are up to date on new ideas and technology and are therefore more efficient and productive. New ideas and ways of working are introduced, driving innovation. Staff feel ____ valued and can be more ____ to perform. Staff will feel more ____ to companies that invest in them. Different levels of Engineering accreditation in order of hierarchy: 1. Engineering technician (EngTech). 2. ____ 3. ____ Even though there are increasing numbers of robots and an increase in automation in industry, there is still a large workforce of human beings in the engineering and manufacturing sectors this is called: the human ____ Human beings: Are flexible, ____, get bored, ____ innovate, need wages, need heating and light, get tired, sick and ____ self-maintaining. Many of these needs are set out in ____. One of the biggest considerations for humans is that of ____ health. Humans have certain needs from a job. While the main consideration is usually money to afford the lifestyle they want, people also need a job that gives them some ____ as well. They have a need to feel that they are ____ and that there is a future in the work they do. If employees do not feel valued, low ____ and stress can result. ____ is concerned with designing and arranging things people use, so that humans and things interact in the most efficient and safe way. ____ is the study of human body measurements. Common causes of human error are: 1. ____ training (eg workers not gaining sufficient mastery of an assembly process) 2. ____ (eg workers being at post on repetitive tasks for long shifts, with inadequate breaks) 3. ____ (eg workers having high volume production targets with tight deadlines) 4. ____, which can be caused by some of the above, or other reasons Reducing human error 1. Make sure employees have enough ____ and support in the workplace. 2. Check on employees, especially ____ starters, regularly. 3. ____ to staff. 4. Ensure working ____ are as pleasant as possible. 5. Keep the workplace well lit, ____ and comfortable. 6. ____ regular breaks. 7. Ensure employees use ____ entitlement and sick leave. 8. Give employees time off to sort out ____ issues. 9. Listen to ____, respond to issues and resolve problems so employees feel valued. 10.Consider ____ working if business constraints allow

MBroT Unit 14 Professional Responsibilities Revision 2

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