1) What is an attitude (in sports psychology)? a) A belief or feeling you have about something which makes you behave in a certain way towards it b) Factors which influence what sports you like c) Beliefs you hold about desirable goals or actions d) Our expectations about a particular group to behave in a certain way 2) Attitudes are made up of which three components? a) Cognitive, affective, behavioural b) Concern for others, adaptability, self-interest c) Competence, socialmoral, status 3) What is socialisation? a) What is socialisation? b) Going to parties c) The process of learning to become an effective member of society d) The link between our values and attitudes 4) Which of the following groups would play a big part in our formation of attitudes during our younger years? a) Coaches b) TV c) Parents d) Peers 5) Which of these is an intrinsic influence on our attitude to sport? a) Gender b) Enjoyment c) Family d) Peers 6) What is an extrinsic influence on our attitudes to sport? a) Factors outside of you b) Factors within you 7) What is self-efficacy? a) confidence in your ability to think, learn and make appropriate decsisions b) self-worth c) How good you are at sport 8) Communication can be either...? a) Verbal or passive b) Verbal or non-verbal c) Aggressive or Neutral d) Helpful or destructive 9) What is assertion? a) Standing up for your rights b) Being a leader c) Doing the best you can d) Solving conflict 10) Which of these is NOT an interpersonal skill? a) Communication skills b) Relationship skills c) Problem solving skills d) Being the best player on the team 11) What is the correct order when the formation of groups occurs? a) Storming, Norming, Forming, Performing b) Forming, Performing, Norming, Storming c) Forming, Storming, Norming, Performing d) Storming, Performing, Norming, Forming 12) The conventions or expectations of a team are also known as? a) Roles b) Norms c) Team goals d) Leadership 13) Which of these is an example of Norm? a) Uniform expectations b) Captain c) President d) Point guard 14) Which is NOT an example of a formal role in a team? a) Captain b) Full forward (AFL) c) Centre back (Soccer) d) Music guy 15) Mental imagery: seeing yourself coping in challenging situations a) Motivational-specific b) Motivational general-mastery c) Cognitive specific d) Cognitive general 16) Mental imagery: reflections of relaxation or stress in the lead up to sports competitions. a) Motivational-specific b) Motivational general-arousal c) Cognitive specific d) Motivational General-mastery 17) Mental imagery: Seeing yourself winning an event or receiving a trophy a) Motivational-specific b) Motivational general-arousal c) Cognitive specific d) Motivational General-mastery 18) Mental imagery: seeing yourself perform specific skills a) Motivational-specific b) Motivational general-arousal c) Cognitive specific d) Motivational General-mastery 19) Mental imagery: images of strategy and game plans related to competitions. a) Motivational-specific b) Cognitive general c) Cognitive specific d) Motivational General-mastery 20) Lionel Messi imagining himself lifting the Worl Cup trophy would be an example of... a) Cognitive specific b) Motovational general-mastery c) Motivational-specific d) Cognitive general 21) Serena Williams picturing her serve in her head before she actually serves the ball a) Cognitive general b) Motivational specific c) Motivational general-arousal d) Cognitive specific

Sports psychology

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