1) King, Priest, Prophet. a) Solomon b) David c) Josiah d) YESHUA 2) 7 -day Feast a) Wood offering b) New Oil c) Unleavened bread  d) First fruits 3) Important food for passover. a) fish b) lamb c) chicken d) beef 4) The last plague killed the _______. a) cattle b) gnats c) frogs d) first born e) lice 5) What was YAHWEH's punishment on Mitsrites' idols ? a) life b) Death and destruction c) plagues and judgment d) Both B and C 6) The children Yisrael was in ______ over 400 years. a) slavery b) Caanan c) plagues  d) The land of milk and honey 7) YAHWEH raised up______to bring the children of Yisrael out of slavery. a) Miriam b) Mosheh c) Joshua 8) Who was Mosheh's brother? a) Miriam b) Aharon c) Issac d) Pharaoh 9) The correct Hebrew name of Egypt  a) Mitsrayim b) Caanan c) Bethlehem 10) YAHWEH's first nation. a) The gentiles b) The church c) Aharon d) Yisrael 11) _______ was put over the door. a) A hanger b) A hook c) blood d) Flowers 12) ________ begins at twilight on the fourteenth day of the first month. a) The head of the year b) Passover c) First fruits 13) An herb that is native to the Mediterranean region that was used for Passover. a) soursop b) hyssop c) burdock root d) feverfew 14) The leader of Mitsrayim/ Egypt. a) Aharon b) The magicians c) Pharaoh d) Mosheh  15) Why should we honor YESHUA during Passover and Feast of Unleavened Bread?  a) Because He represent the sacrificial lamb b) The unleavened bread represent YESHUA being without transgression. c) Because he saved us from death and destruction d) All are correct 16) After the feast of unleavened bread YAHWEH commands us to do what? a) To eat bread again b) You are Not to eat bread, dried grain or fresh grain until the day you bring the offering for your ELOHIM; c) Neither 17) What is considered grain? a) Any food made from wheat, rice, oats, cornmeal, barley or another cereal grain is a grain product. b) Einkorn, Spelt, Durum, Rye  c) Quinoa, Emmer, Kamut , Amaranth d) Faba beans, Sorghum, Teff e) Bulgar, Fonio f) All are correct 18) Why were plagues placed on Egypt?  a) All of the plagues represented their idols b) They placed their idols above YAHWEH c) They did not know YAHWEH d) YAHWEH used the plagues to free Israel e) All are correct 19) After the Feast of Unleavened bread, when do we bring our offering to Elohim? a) On First fruits the offering is giving to YAHWEH! b) After the feast of unleavened bread at sunset c) We have to wait for Shavuot 20) What does YAHWEH say would happen if we eat that which is leavened? a) The person shall perish from the congregation of Israel whether he is a stranger or a native in the land. b) Nothing 21) Which days during the Feast of Unleavened bread are we to have a set-apart gathering? a) The 1st day only b) The 1st and the 7th day c) Neither 

Quiz For Passover and Unleavened bread

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