How would you categorize sports? - individual, team, ball, summer, winter, indoor, outdoor, combat sports, martial arts, equestrian, mental sports etc., What are the advantages of individual sport? - higher level of self-reliance and discipline are instilled, no others to blame for losing, learning how to motivate yourself (intrinsic motivation), no pressure on you to catch up with the others, you can follow your own pace, What are the disadvantages of individual sport? - lack of cooperation skills, not experiencing and learning team spirit, feeling lonely,, What are the advantages of team sport? - learning cooperation skills, reliance, motivating each other, strong friendships and bonds are promoted, What are the disadvantages of team sport? - competition among teammates-->create hostile environment, you rely on the others performances, more injuries may occur as more people compete at the same time, How would you define extreme sport? - Extremes sports involve a high degree of risk. Usually extreme athletes are addicted to adrenaline rush. Extreme sports improve physical and mental strength as well as determination. Good confidence builder., List some extreme sports. - bungee jumping, parachuting, parkour, rock-climbing, mountain biking, extreme ironing etc,, List some mental sports. - chess, card games, backgammon, poker, mind calculation, spelling, bridge, domino, etc., List some performance enhancing tools. - cashew nuts (rich in protein an antioxidants, boost the immune system), ice bath (eases sore and aching muscles,) low oxygen tent (causes the body to adapt to the lower oxygen content by producing more oxygen-carrying red blood cells and haemoglobin→ enhancing performance), nasal strips (Keep the airway open→make breathing easier), What do you know of performance enhancing tools? - They are legal to use and do not have any negative effects on a human body. Natural remedies., What do you know of performance enhancing drugs? - performance enhancing drugs are illegal and damaging physical and mental health, improving appearance by building muscle mass or to enhance athletic performance, List some performance enhancing drugs. - anabolic steorids, stimulants, painkillers, What personal qualities can be learnt by persuing sports? - discipline independence, persistence, cooperation, time management, coping mechanisms conected to winning and losing, confidence etc., List some well-known sports events. - Olympic Games, Paralympic Games, Formula One, NHL, NFL-Super Bowl, NBA, FIFA, championships, word cups, Tour de France, Wimbledon etc., What is the importance of keeping fit? - keeping in good shape and mood, prevents and delays the development of cronic diseases, exercising improves the quantity and quality of sleep, delays the effects of aging, What is the significance of the Olympic Games?  - Bringing nations together, promoting the idea of equity through the means of sport, providing the opportunity to compete in various kinds of sports, What are the benefits of martial arts? - Apart from physical and health benefits, martial arts can be good stress-management tools, help in self-control, improve concentration and discipline, excellent means of self-protection, philosophy and values, What is the influence of the media on sports? - A great deal of people are keen viewers of sport and with the various means of media the popularity of sports is rising. People can get access to sport events by media coverage eg. Olympic games, NBA (inluencing kids to take up basketball, Szoboszlai Dominik, How is professional sport different from amateur one? - In professional sports athletes gat paid, so the main aim is money and not fun or leisure. Winning is the most important factor; the more they win, the more they earn. Amateurs train in their free time and find participation more important. Professionals trian full time and the given sport their career.,

sport related questions

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