I must / I have to - muszę, you must / you have to - musisz, musicie, he must / he has to - on musi, she must / she has to - ona musi, we must / we have to - my musimy, they must / they have to - oni muszą, one muszą, I mustn't - nie wolno mi, you mustn't - nie wolno ci, nie wolno wam, he mustn't - nie wolno mu, she mustn't - nie wolno jej, we mustn't - nie wolno nam, they mustn't - nie wolno im, I don't have to - nie muszę, you don't have to - nie musisz, nie musicie, he doesn't have to - on nie musi, she doesn't have to - ona nie musi, we don't have to - nie musimy, they don't have to - oni nie muszą, one nie muszą, Must I / Do I have to ? - czy muszę?, Must you / Do you have to ? - czy musisz?, Must he / Does he have to ? - czy on musi ?, Must she / Does she have to ? - czy ona musi ?, Must we / Do we have to ? - czy musimy ?, Must they / Do they have to ? - czy oni muszą, czy one muszą ?, I had to - musiałem, I didn't have to - nie musiałem, Did I have to ? - czy musiałem ?, I will have to - będę musiał, I won't have to - nie będę musiał, Will I have to ? - czy będę musiał ?,

Flash 6 u4b: must / have to


दृश्य शैली


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