boiling - The temperature at which a liquid changes to a gas, in (seventh) heaven - extremely happy ( I feel like I'm in the seventh heaven.), flavour - the taste of a particular type of food or drink, disgusting - very unpleasant, outfit - a set of clothes for a particular event or activity, fascinating - extremely interesting, insight into sth - understanding, backbreaking work - physically difficult work that makes you very tired, advance - to move forward or make progress, rapidly - quickly, fast, tap - a gentle knock or touch, or the noise made by knocking something gently, huge - very big; enormous, competitive - wanting very much to win or be more successful than other people, indecisive - not able to make a decision, think outside the box - think in a new and different way, can afford - to be able to do smth because you have enough money or time, sensible - разумный, благоразумный, entrepreneur - A person who starts up and takes on the risk of a business, splash out on - to spend a lot of money on sth, a rainy day - a time when money might unexpectedly be needed,


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