Geocentric - model that used Earth as the center., Heliocentric - model that Earth and other planets orbit the sun., Universe - the word that scientists use to describe space and all of the energy and matter in it., Scientific Theory - is an explanation or model backed by results obtained from many tests or experiments., Big Bang theory - states that the universe began between an expansion 13-15 billion years ago exploded and began expanding in all directions., Planet - A relatively large spherical body that orbits a star., Solar System - The sun and all of the planets and other bodies that travel around., Nebula - A large cloud of gas and dust in interstellar space; a region in space where stars are born, Supernova - A gigantic explosion in which a massive star collapses and throws its outer layers into space. , Galaxy  - A collection of stars, dust, and gas bound together by gravity., Star - A large celestial body that is composed of gas and that emits light; the sun is a typical star, Gas Giant Planet - A planet that has a deep, massive atmosphere, such as Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, or Neptune , Terrestrial Planet - One of the highly dense planets nearest to the sun; Mercury, Venus, Mars, and Earth  ,



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