1) Do you sometimes make a pizza? a) Yes, I do. b) Yes, I does. 2) Do you sometimes fly a kite? a) No, I don't. b) No, I doesn't. 3) Does Tess wake up late? a) Yes, she does. b) Yes, she do. 4) Does Tess have a big breakfast? a) No, she don't. b) No, she doesn't. 5) Do you sometimes play chess? a) Yes, I don't. b) Yes, I do. 6) Does Tess go to school? a) Yes, she do. b) Yes, she does. 7) _____ you work out? a) Do b) Does 8) _____ Tess work out? a) Do b) Does 9) _____ you feed the cat? a) Does b) Do 10) _____ Elliot watch documentary films? a) Does b) Do 11) _____ you read science books? a) Do b) Does 12) _____ Elliot brush his teeth in the morning? a) Do b) Does


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