1) If you heat an oil up to 180 °C, ....... a) it'll boil b) it boils c) it's boiling 2) I'll call you as soon as .......... a) I get to my hotel b) I'll get to my hotel c) I got to my hotel 3) If you enter a correct password, ........ a) you'd direct to your mailbox b) you'll be directed to your mailbox c) you're connected with your mailbox 4) Mary, if you revise for your exam, ........ a) you'll get a good mark! b) you'd get a good mark 5) If I were you, .... a) I'd ask him for help b) I'll ask him for help c) I asked him for help 6) We'd go to explore America .... a) if we shall more money b) if we'll have more money c) if we had more money 7) Unless it stops raining a) we don't go to the seaside b) we won't go to the seaside 8) As soon as you eat dinner, .... a) you'll call me b) call me c) you'd call me 9) When I get angry, .... a) I'm becoming a beast b) I'll become a beast 10) The actress will become famous ...... a) if she rehearses and practises more b) if she rehearse and practise more c) if she'll rehearse and practise more 11) It's bad luck .... a) if a black cat cross your path b) if a black cat'll cross your path c) if a black cat crosses your path 12) We use 0 conditional for: a) a) facts that are always true b) b) rules and instructions c) c) offering suggestions and advice d) d) for jokes ;) 13) We use 1st conditional for: a) for possible and likely actions/events in the future b) for impossible actions/events in the future 14) We use 2nd conditional for: a) impossible or unlikely actions/events in the present or future b) imaginary and hypothetical actions in the present or future c) for advice d) for possible actions/events in the present or future 15) We can make a zero conditional sentence with: a) If Present Simple, Future Simple b) If Present Simple, Present Simple c) If Past Simple, would+verb 16) We can make first conditional sentence with: a) If Present Simple, Present Simple b) If Present Simple, Future Simple c) If Past Simple, would+verb 17) We can make second conditional sentence with: a) If Past Simple, would+verb b) If Present Simple, Future Simple c) If Present Simple, Present Simple

Okresy warukowe 0, 1, 2 - Egzamin Ósmoklasisty


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