1) What is the smallest Arab country in terms of area ? a) Morocco b) Bahrain c) Qatar d) Emirates 2) Clo_k a) U b) O c) A d) C 3) What is the largest ocean in the world ? a) Pacific ocean b) Atlantic ocean c) Indian ocean d) Arctic ocean 4) B_ead a) S b) R c) N d) G 5) How many hearts for an octopus ? a) One heart b) Two hearts c) Three hearts d) Four hearts  6) Cr_b a) A b) E c) Y d) U 7) How many prostrations are in the holy Quran ? a) 12 b) 13 c) 14 d) 15 8) _ruit a) E b) R c) F d) S 9) In which country was the covering of the Kaaba first made ? a) Saudi Arabia b) Syria c) Oman  d) Egypt 10) Pre_ent a) F b) S c) T d) M




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