Respiration - Chemical changes in the cell which break down food to release energy, Aerobic respiration - Respiration that requires oxygen, Anaerobic respiration - Respiration that happens without oxygen, Glucose - Food produced by photosynthesis, Oxygen - Gas given out by green plants, needed in respiration, Lactic Acid - Waste substance produced by anaerobic respiration in humans, Fermentation - The process of anaerobic respiration in yeast, Mitochondria - Organelle in a cell where respiration takes place, Oxygen debt - The volume of Oxygen needed to remove lactic acid , Aerobic respiration equation - Glucose + Oxygen = Carbon idoxide + Water + energy, Fermentation equation - Glucose = Carbon idoxide + ethanol + energy, Anaerobic respiration equation - Glucose = Lactic acid + energy, Sprinting - Exmaple of anaerobic exercise, Marathon - Example of aerobic exercise,

Respiration key terms quiz



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