1) We need ... tickets before we get on the train. a) to buy b) buy c) buying 2) Do you want ... with us? a) come b) to come c) coming 3) My grandpa prefers ... TV to ... to the radio. a) watching, listening b) to watch, to listen c) watch, listen 4) He can't stand ... . a) run b) to run c) running 5) She decided ... in a youth hostel. a) to stay b) stay c) staying 6) I hate ... late. a) to be b) being c) be 7) Did he agree ... his homework before surfing the Internet? a) do b) doing c) to do 8) She doesn't mind ... to school. a) walking b) walk c) to walk 9) We must ... irregular verbs by heart. a) learn b) learning c) to learn 10) Don't forget ... the lights. a) turning off b) turn off c) to turn off 11) I enjoy ... in bed. a) reading b) read c) to read 12) We hope ... you soon. a) see b) to see c) seeing 13) He avoids ... fizzy drinks. a) drinking b) drink c) to drink 14) You shouldn't ... too many sweets. a) eat b) eating c) to eat 15) What do you imagine yourself ... in five years' time? a) to do b) do c) doing 16) She always worries about ... her work on time. a) finish b) to finish c) finishing 17) I'm learning ... . My test is next month. a) to drive b) drive c) driving 18) He promised ... me back when he gets a job. a) pay b) paying c) to pay 19) It seems ... a good idea! a) to be b) being c) be 20) I dream of ... around the world. a) travel b) travelling c) to travel 21) I can ... very well. a) swim b) swimming c) to swim 22) She's a vegetarian so she refused ... the burger. a) eating b) eat c) to eat 23) We can't get used to ... online. a) teach b) teaching c) to teach 24) I promise I will ... you tomorrow. a) call b) calling c) to call 25) I would like ... Chinese food. a) order b) to order c) ordering

gerunds and infinitives


दृश्य शैली


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