How did the lockdown experience affect you?, Do you have some advice for your partners as to how to cope better with this pandemic?, Did you feel relieved with the lifting of the restrictions?, When we were allowed to travel, who did you first visit and why?, How has the pandemic affected you workwise?, Did you work remotely? What are the pros and cons of teleworking?  , Do you believe the government is doing enough to help those in need?, What is your assessment of the role played by the EU in the handling of the pandemic?, How do you value the role of health workers? , What do you think were the biggest challenges during the first spike of the pandemic?, What mistakes if any, do you think the government has made regarding their handling of the pandemic? , What mistakes if any do you think that the Chinese government made? , Do you think Chinese-immigrants to other countries may be most affected by the pandemic in their livelihoods?  .




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