first - 1학년, second - 2학년, third - 3학년, fourth - 4학년, fifth - 5학년, sixth - 6학년, seventh - 7학년, eighth - 8학년, ninth - 9학년, tenth - 10학년, eleventh - 11학년, twelfth - 12학년, join - 가입하다, wait - 기다리다, student - 학생, floor - 층, art club - 미술 동아리, eco club - 생태 동아리, movie club - 영화 동아리, music club - 음악 동아리, dance club - 댄스 동아리, soccer club - 축구 동아리, What grade are you in? - 몇 학년이니?, What club are you in? - 어느 동아리예요?, I'm in the 6th grade. - 나는 6학년이에요., I'm in the 5th grade. - 나는 5학년이에요., I'm in the 4th grade. - 나는 4학년이에요., I'm in the 3rd grade. - 나는 3학년이에요., I'm in the 2nd grade. - 나는 2학년이에요., I'm in the 1st grade. - 나는 1학년이에요., I'm in the soccer club. - 나는 축구 동아리에요., I'm in the movie club. - 나는 영화 동아리에요., I'm in the dance club. - 나는 댄스 동아리에요., I'm in the music club. - 나는 음악 동아리에요., I'm in the eco club. - 나는 생태 동아리에요., I'm in the art club. - 나는 미술 동아리에요., What floor is it on? - 몇 층이에요?, It's on the first floor. - 1층이에요., It's on the second floor. - 2층이에요., It's on the third floor. - 3층이에요., It's on the fourth floor. - 4층이에요., It's on the fifth floor. - 5층이에요., It's on the sixth floor. - 6층이에요.,

Lesson 1 - What Grade Are You In? (5)


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