1) alliance (n) a) organization of nations b) relating to an army c) military control of an area d) workers in an organization e) shortage of food f) stretch tight or squeeze tight 2) military (n) a) organization of nations b) relating to an army c) military control of an area d) workers in an organization e) sturdy - not changing f) stretch tight or squeeze tight 3) occupation (n) a) very populated area - city b) relating to an army c) military control of an area d) workers in an organization e) sturdy - not changing f) stretch tight or squeeze tight 4) personnel (n) a) very populated area - city b) relating to an army c) military control of an area d) workers in an organization e) sturdy - not changing f) stretch tight or squeeze tight 5) stability (n) a) very populated area - city b) factory c) military control of an area d) workers in an organization e) sturdy - not changing f) stretch tight or squeeze tight 6) strain (v) a) very populated area - city b) factory c) military control of an area d) workers in an organization e) sturdy - not changing f) stretch tight or squeeze tight 7) urban terrain a) very populated area - city b) factory c) military control of an area d) workers in an organization e) sturdy - not changing f) stretch tight or squeeze tight

Okinawa Vocabulary



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