2 groups of 4 make ____. PROVE it with a model. 3 groups of 5 make ____. PROVE it with a model. 4 columns of 3 make ____. PROVE it with a model. 3 rows of 3 make ____. PROVE it with a model. Write to explain how you know a number is even. After sharing rate yourself: ____ Write to explain how you know a number is odd. After sharing rate yourself: ____ ____ Mrs. Radtke made an array with 12 tiles. Hers looked like 2 rows of 6. What is another way she could arrange her tiles into an array? After sharing rate yourself: ____ ____ Draw an array using 10 circles in 2 rows. After sharing rate yourself: ____ ____ Draw an array using 9 triangles in 3 rows. After sharing rate yourself: ____ ____ Juan has 18 Easter eggs to hide for his 2 sisters. If each sister gets the same number of eggs, how many will each sister get? Juan gives ____ eggs to each sister. Aspen is preparing birthday present bags for her 3 cousins. She has 15 mini-erasers to give as part of the gifts. How many mini-erasers will Aspen put in each bag so that each cousin gets the same amount? Aspen will put ____ mini-erasers in each birthday bag. Which even number comes next? 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, ____ Which odd number comes before? ____, 7, 9, 11, 13 Which odd number comes next? 61, 63, 65, ____ **CHALLENGE** (this will not be on your test, this is for fun!) What number is missing? ____, 810, 812, 814


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