sensitivity - easily upset by the things people say or do or able to understand what people are feeling, responsibility - something that it is your job or duty to deal, doing what you have to with, ambition - something you want to achieve in your life, kind-hearted - wanting to help other, nice and good person, moody - people who are often unfriendly because they feel angry or unhappy., witty - using words in a funny and clever way, intelligent, perceptive - quick to notice or understand things, insecure - having no confidence in yourself and what you can do, daring - brave and taking risks, affectionate - showing that you like or love someone, humble - modest, not proud or not believing that you are important, thorough - careful and covering every detail, self-conscious - too aware of what other people are thinking about you, , good-natured - pleasant and friendly, strong-willed - very determined to do what you want to do, level-headed - calm and able to deal easily with difficult situations, fair-minded - treating everyone equally / the same,

Focus 4 unit 2


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