If I ____ late, I ____ late for work. If my husband ____, he ____ the food. If Julie ____ a hat, she ____ sunstroke. If children ____ well, they ____ healthy. If you ____ water and electricity, you ____ a shock. If people ____ too many sweets, they ____ fat. If you ____, you ____ yellow fingers. If children ____ outside, they ____ overweight. If you ____ ice, it ____. If I ____ to John, he ____ annoyed. I ____ good the next day if I ____ to bed early. Lots of people ____ if Jenny ____ a party. She ____ expensive clothes if she ____ shopping. My daughter ____ her exams if she ____ hard. David ____ sick if he ____ milk. The river ____ if it ____ very cold. I ____ to visit the museums if I ____ in a new city. I ____ to work if the weather ____ fine. My flatmate ____ really well if she cleans the house. Everybody ____ grumpy if it ____ a lot.

Zero Condtional - Zerowy okres warunkowy - Zerowy tryb warunkowy - Perfect English Grammar - HARD



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