Is drama series popular in your country? Why?, What is the difference between young people and old people’s favorite TV drama? Why?, Do you think TV dramas reflect what happens in the reality of society?, Do you think people will change their preference of TV dramas when getting older?, Do you think soap opera will have bad influence on children?, What is your all-time favorite movie?, What is your favorite movie?, Are there any kinds of movies you dislike? If so, what kinds? Why do you dislike them?, Do you like to watch horror movies?, Do you prefer fiction or nonfiction books? How about movies?, Do you usually watch movies at home or at a movie theater?, Have you ever seen the same movie more than once? If yes, name it (or them)., How often do you go to movies?, If a book has been made into a movie, which do you prefer to do first, see the movie or read the book? Why?, What do you think of people who talk during movies at a movie theater?, What is the best movie you have ever seen? Who was in it? Why did you like it?, What is the scariest movies you have ever seen? What's the funniest?, What is the worst movie you've ever seen?, What was the last movie you saw? Was it good? Who did you see it with?, What's the best movie you've ever seen?, Which do you like better, action movies or comedy movies?, What movie star would you most like to meet?, Who is your favorite actor or actress?, What do you think of reality shows?, Do you think that films can be educational?, Is there a movie you could watch over and over again?, Who's your favorite director?, See any good movies lately?, How much does it cost to see a movie in your country?, Do you think movies have been developing technology or technology has been developing movies?, What is the most horrible movie you have ever seen?, What kind of movie do you like?, Would you like to be an actor/actress? Why or why not?, Do you think action movies are bad for children?, Which do you prefer, to watch movies or to read books?, How much money do you spend when you go to movies?, What do you prefer, animated movies or real movies?, What is your favorite movie soundtrack?, Do you think historical movies are educational?, Do you like documentaries?, Who is your favorite movie hero?, What do you think about comic books movies?, Can you remember the name of the first movie you saw that made you cry?, What is your favorite classical movie?, Which do you prefer, comedy movies or horror movies?, Have you ever watched a movie twice that you disliked?, Do you ever download bootleg movies (illegally recorded)?, Are movie trailers common at the cinema in your country?, Do you like foreign films that are dubbed in your mother tongue or do you like watching the film in its original form?, What kind of movie would you like to star in? Why?, Do you think there should be more movies made in your country?, What is something that you have never seen happen in a movie?, What things happen too often in movies?, What is the name of a boring movie you have seen. Is there a way to make it better?, Which movie star should live forever?, Which two movie stars would you like to have for your parents?, If a movie star wanted to marry you, would you agree?, If you could be a movie bad guy, which one would you be?, Have you ever thought about what super powers you would like to have?, Which famous person would you like to have for a best friend?, How often would you go to the movie theater if you always had free tickets?, Which movie has the best story ? Tell me about it., Which horror movie is the scariest? Why?, If they made a movie about your life, what kind of movie would it be?, Which actor or actress would be you in a movie about your life?, Do you want your children to be actors or actresses?, What genres of movies do you like?, What’s your favorite movie of all time? Why do you like it?, What’s the worst movie you have ever seen?, Is going to the movies too expensive? How much are you willing to pay to see a movie at the cinema? Will you pay more to see a film in 3D?, Who is the most beautiful actress in the world? Who is the most handsome actor in the world?, Talk about someone you think is a very talented actor or actress., Do you like animated movies? Or are they just for kids?, Do you enjoy movies from your own country or other countries more? From which other countries?, Do you try to watch films that win awards? Are awards good indicators of film quality?, What do you like to eat or drink while watching a film?, How long should a movie be? How long is too long?, How do you choose which movie to watch? By the genre? The director? The main star?, Does watching movies in English help you learn English? Would you recommend this method to language students?, Can we learn about a culture from the movies that culture produces? What have you learned from foreign films?, Do you mind reading subtitles when you watch a foreign language film, or would you prefer it to be dubbed into your own language?, Does violence in films and on television inspire violence in real life?, Do you think age restrictions for films are effective?, Are you looking forward to any upcoming movies? What film do you want to watch these days?.

Talking about movies



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