1) That handbag goes beautifully with the dress, and it's a bargain! a) something new b) good price c) great colour 2) I'd love that jacket but I can't afford it! a) I can't wear it. b) It's too small. c) I don't have enough money to buy it. 3) The diamond engagement ring cost an arm and a leg! a) was quite expensive b) was very expensive c) was quite cheap 4) At that price it's a steal! a) it's very expensive b) it's unusually cheap c) it's twice the usual price 5) The quality is excellent so it's good value for money. a) worth buying b) worth selling c) worth considering 6) Their clothes are a bit pricey but they have a wonderful selection. a) a bit expensive b) quite cheap c) quite precious 7) $10 for an orange juice? That's a rip-off! a) good quality b) much too much c) special offer 8) If you go to London with Ashley, you'll shop till you drop. a) till you spend all your money b) till you get exhusted c) till you buy everything you want 9) When he got a promotion Andy splashed out on a brand new car. a) took out a loan b) fell in love with c) spent all his money 10) I haven't been paid yet, so I can only go window shopping. a) walk around the town b) look at products but don't buy them c) look at girls in the shops

Shopping idioms



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