Do you play any sports?, Are you a good soccer player? , Are you a member of any sports team? If not, have you ever been?, Are you good at sports?, What sports are you good at?, Do you often play sports?, Do you jog more than once a week?, Do you know how to play golf?, Do you like to exercise?, Do you like playing tennis?, Do you like to snowboard?, Do you like to watch sports on TV?, Do you like watching car races?, Do you like wrestling?, Do you think athletes earn enough money, not enough money or too much money?, Do you think everybody should practice sports?, Do you think that parents are too involved in their children's sports activities?, Have you ever been skiing?, Have you ever been to a soccer game? , Have you ever played tennis with your mother?, How often do you exercise?, How often do you go swimming?, Have you ever tried scuba diving?, Have you ever tried surfing?, What do you think is the most popular sport in the world?, What do you think of pro wrestling? Thai kick boxing? Japanese sumo?, What do you think the top five most watched sports are in the world?, What do you think is the most dangerous sport?, What is the most expensive sport?, What is the most popular sport where you live?, What is your favorite team sport?, What is your favorite summer sport?, What is your favorite winter sport?, What new sports would you like to try?.

Talk about sports


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