1) Which of these are abuse? a) Withholding medication. b) Hitting someone c) Shouting at someone. d) Stealing Someone's Money. e) Forcing a vegetarian to eat meat. f) Making someone got to bed when they don't want to. 2) Which is a restrictive practice? a) Going to the toilet. b) Over use of sleeping tablets. c) Walking in the garden. d) Not eating your dinner. e) Having a bath. f) Going for a drive. 3) Which of these is not a type of abuse? a) Sexual b) Neglect c) Physical d) Domestic e) Modern Slavery f) Smoking 4) What must we do if we suspect abuse? a) Ignore it b) Ask everyone what they think. c) Report it Immediately d) Tell your family when you get home. e) Tell your best friend. f) Have a cup of tea. 5) What is not a possible sign of Physical abuse?  a) Bruises. b) Cuts c) Burns d) Low mood e) Telling Jokes f) Fractures. 6) What should we look for as a sign off modern slavery? a) Poor living conditions. b) Designer clothes. c) Good food. d) A nice car. e) Lots of money f) Cigarettes. 7) What makes someone vulnerable to abuse? a) Where they shop b) Disability. c) Smoking. d) Being an only child. e) Living in the countryside. f) Owning a dog. 8) Who can be an abuser? a) Doctor. b) Nurse. c) Anybody. d) Carer. e) Mother. f) Friends. 9) Where Might abuse happen? a) At home. b) Hospital. c) Youth club. d) Church. e) School. f) Anywhere. 10) What Policy should all care settings have in place in relation to safeguarding? a) Returns Policy. b) Insurance policy. c) Open door policy. d) Life insurance policy. e) Whistleblowing policy. f) No swearing policy.



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